Weapons Company

Weapons MEDCAP in Qalandar District (6-8 Apr 05)

Weapons Company conducted MEDCAP operations in the Qalandar District, Khowst Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005

Categories: Khowst Province, Medical Civil Action Program, Weapons Company

Weapons VCPs in Khowst District (5 Apr 05)

Weapons Company set up VCPs on the main routes into the Khowst District, Khowst Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005

Categories: Khowst Province, Vehicle Checkpoint, Weapons Company

Weapons ZSU-23 Recovery in Sabari District (5 Apr 05)

Weapons Company recovered a ZSU 23-2 (towed version) and (309) recoilless rifle rounds while on patrol in the Sabari District, Khowst Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005

Categories: Khowst Province, Weapons Cache, Weapons Company

Weapons Ops in Nadar Shah Kot District (4-7 Apr 05)

Weapons Company conducted duration operations in the Nadar Shah Kot District, Khowst Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005

Categories: Duration Ops, Khowst Province, Weapons Company

Weapons UXO in Sabari District (3 Apr 05)

Weapons Company recovered (17) cases of 23mm anti-aircraft rounds, (27) 82mm mortar rounds, (2) Chinese mortars, and (1) gas can/filter from the Sabari Police Station, in the Sabari District, Khowst Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
Categories: Khowst Province, Unexploded Ordinance, Weapons Company

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