OEF 10-01
14 October 2010: Operation BLACK TIP

Lance Cpl. Jonathan Garvey, India Company. Nawa, Afghanistan. October 2010.
India Company conducted Operation BLACK TIP reinforced with elements from the battalion, resulting in four detainees. — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 1 October to 1 December 2010 Read more
6 October 2010: India 2-1 Firefight Near PB Lamba Dand
“On October 6, while conducting a security patrol south of PB Lamba Dand, 2nd Platoon’s 1st Squad was engaged by multiple enemy firing positions in which a Troops-in-Contact was declared. However, the incident did not result in either friendly or enemy casualties.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period of 1 October 2010 through 1 December [sic] 2010
29 September – 1 October 2010: CAC Gowragi Clearing Operation

Lance Corporal Kyle Lamoreaux, Combined Action Company. Gowragi, Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September 2010.
“[T]he Combined Action Company worked in support of India and Kilo Company at the newly-established Check Point (CP) Wrightsman in the vicinity of the Gowragi and Negari villages in Nawa District. This CP provided interdiction to allow continued freedom of movement from Lashkargah to Garmsir. Ultimately intended to be an un-partnered police check point, CP Wrightsman was initially manned by Hades 1 and 2, then subsequently turned over to Kilo Company for later handover to the Nawa Police.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period of 1 October 2010 through 1 December [sic] 2010
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25 September 2010: Kilo Memorial for 1stLt Fleming
Kilo Company held a memorial for 1st Lieutenant Scott Fleming, who was killed in action on 17 September. — Source: Regimental Combat Team 1 Press Release Read more
21 September 2010: Operation MAKO

Gunnery Sgt. Chris Denham, India Company. Trek Nawa, Afghanistan. September 2010.
India Company conducted Operation MAKO, a clearing operation looking for enemy weapons caches and fighters in Trek Nawa. — Source: I Marine Expeditionary Force Read more