Monthly Archives: April 2006
15 April 2006: Lima 3-3 Firefight
A Lima Company dismounted patrol in Barwanah received AK-47 and RPK fire from enemy forces and returned fire with small arms, causing the enemy to flee. The patrol pursued, and searched the surrounding area, but was unable to regain contact. — Source: 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines reporting
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10 April 2006: Visit by Brigadier General Hagee

General Michael W. Hagee
The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Hagee, visited Haditha Dam. Read more
7 April 2006: SVBIED Attack on Kilo Company
A Suicide Vehicle Bomber attacked a Kilo Company roadblock on ASR Phoenix near Haqlaniyah, resulting in 1 Enemy KIA and one Iraqi Army KIA.
5 April 2006: Haqlaniyah IED Attack
2 April 2006: Vehicle Accident Near Al-Asad
A U.S. Marine Corps 7-ton truck rolled over in a flash flood near Asad, resulting in five Marines dead, one injured, and two Marines and one Sailor missing. The vehicle was on a combat logistics convoy in Anbar province with eight Marines and one Navy corpsman on board. — Source: American Forces Press Service