Geography and Mission

Aaron Holmes
Kilo Company arrived at FOB Gardez on 19 November, relieving Kilo Company 3rd Battalion 6th Marines, and began operating in the Paktia and Logar Provinces.
December – Conducted VCPs in support of Hamid Karzai’s inauguration. Also conducted partnered relief operations in snow-blocked villages at the higher elevations of Paktia Province, air-lifting medical supplies, food and blankets to 5 communities unable to reach outside their area.
Kilo Company spent the winter working to secure the Khowst-Gardez Pass, which ran between Khowst and Paktia Provinces, and keep it open and free of insurgent activity. Kilo also maintained a platoon in the vicinity of Chamkani collocated with an ODA conducting operations to deny the insurgents and drug-smugglers freedom of movement through that valley pass.
In late March, Kilo Company was the main effort in Operation MAVERICKS in northern Laghman Province. Kilo sent an advance party and one platoon led by Company XO 1stLt Rich Yudt to build out the FOB and initiate turnover from Lima Company. During that time, the camp grew from less than 100 servicemen to over 400 US and Afghan servicemen conducting operations throughout the province and along Highway 1.
In April, Kilo turned over its battlespace to Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (2-504 PIR) from the 82nd Airborne Division and relocated to Mehtar Lam in Laghman Province. During this time, Kilo Company extended the Coalition’s influence into areas that had not had Western contact, and had not seen modern troops since their occupation by the Soviet Union.
In May, Kilo refocused its priorities on the security of Highway One running through Laghman Province, while maintaining a presence in the north of the province. On 8 May, 2nd Platoon was engaged in the Mayl Valley in the Alishang District by a platoon-sized enemy force commanded by a local insurgent called “Pashtoon”. Two Marines, Lance Corporal Kirven and Corporal Schoener were killed and three wounded. In exchange, the enemy lost four wounded and fifteen KIA, including two of Pashtoon’s brothers. First Lieutenant Boada and Corporal Arndt would receive the Silver Star and Bronze Star with Combat “V” for actions conducted during this engagement. Kilo spent much of the rest of May operating against the remnants of Pashtoon’s cell in Alishang District and associated villages. In late May Kilo participated in Operation CELTICS.
On 14 June, Kilo was relieved by Fox Company, 2nd Battalion 3rd Marines, and returned to Hawaii a week later. On 19 June, Capt Skyler Mallicoat turned over command of the company to Capt Brad Kroll.
The Men
Command Element
Commanding Officer: Captain Skyler Mallicoat
Executive Officer: 1st Lieutenant Richard Yudt Jr
First Sergeant: 1st Sergeant Vincent Santiago
Company Gunnery Sergeant: Gunnery Sergeant Chuong Nguyen
Headquarters Platoon
2nd Lieutenant Stephen Boada
Staff Sergeant Caballero
Sergeant Thomas Hood
Corporals Elkin, Jimmy Mount and Michael Wallace Jr
Lance Corporals Robert Gaye Jr, Christopher Hendricks, Jason Hyde, Alfredo Martinez, and Seth Megargle
Private Jason Mullins
Petty Officer Second Class Alonzo Gonzales
HM2 McDaniels, HM1 Meaders, HM3 Paez
LCpl Megargle
Corporal Myers, LCpl Moss, LCpl Domkowski, Cpl Walker, LCpl Hyde
Sgt Hermosillo, Cpl McNeil, LCpl Contreras
Cpl Mitchell, LCpl Tompkins, Cpl Kitgareanirootama
LCpl Martinez, Cpl Wallac
Sgt Hood, LCpl Gaye, LCpl Hendricks, LCpl Bielfeldt
Engineers – LCpl Jiles, LCpl Berve, Cpl Wiland, Cpl Carr, Sgt Sherman, Cpl Pruitt, Cpl Conroy, Cpl Brinker, Cpl Woolever
1st Platoon?
2nd Platoon
2nd Lieutenant Sam Monte and Staff Sergeant James Horvath
Sergeants Charles Bennett III, Robert Campbell, and Michael Villanueva
Corporals Peter Delach, Elliott Keegan, David Kinman, Thomas O’Brien, John Pollander, Michael Rowland, Richard Schoener, Thomas Stickles Jr, and Jason Valencia
Lance Corporals Troy Arndt, Nicholas Collier, Adam Corcoran, Jeffrey Finn, Frank Fischbach, John Hunter, Clinton Jones, Nicholas Kirven, Thomas Lawler, William Leusink, Nicholas Long, Brandon Loyd, Loren Lynch, Michael Madalena, Jordan Mazur, Christopher Myles, Ryan Prosper, Ryan Rankins, Matthew Reynolds, Stephen Richardson, Benjamin Sadler, Anthony Sedillo, and Arden Wright
HM3 Steve Cruz
HN Laron Peller
3rd Platoon
2nd Lieutenant Michael Poliquin and Staff Sergeant Jose Giron
Sergeants Jared Leonard, and David Restrepo, and Denver Whitley
Corporals Artem Chanturiya, Thomas Seagrove, Oscar Solavega and William Walker Jr
Lance Corporals Daniel Cary, Daniel Castillo, Kevin Dool, Jordan Gomes, Eusebio Gonzalez Faisal Hassan, Jeremy Herrin, Michael Howell, Benard Hunt, Peter Jarzabek, William Lynch Jr, Daniel Metoyer, Jonathan Naraine, Dana Potter II, Michael Robichaud, Oliver Starr, Jesse Stecklein, Richard Tucker
Privates First Class Orlando, Carrasquillo Jr, Emmanuel Diaz, Chad Felps, James Gill, Edward Holloway III, Daniel Mariakis, and Chase Snyder
Petty Officer Third Class Travis Deel Privates William Brubaker and Aaron Holmes
Weapons Platoon
Second Lieutenant Christopher Mellon
Staff Sergeants Robert Meyer and Wesley Thompson
Sergeant Bradley Maxwell
Corporals Elliot Anderson, Joel Gazzam, Juan Pena, Gabriel Rudner, Robert Vasquez, Oscar Zamorajauregui
Lance Corporals Nathan Anderson, Logan Asay, Jeremy Bingham, Joshua Bowden, Cameron Brown, Adam Eri, Pierre Galarza, Joseph Geist, Corey Lonberger, Allen Lumpkin, Steven Marchese, Ajuna Montano, Johnathan Sikes, Michael Stringer
Privates First Class Daniel Chandler, Brian Daniel, Eric Darby, Nestor Davilacarranza, David Drayton, Gerardo Echavarria Jr, Justin Gecewicz, Daniel Gegenheimer, Kristopher Giuranna, Matthew Kallback, Joshua Lacomb, Gino Larocca, Mark Lee, James Meeks, Christopher Monsegue, and Colin Nelson
Private William Richardson
Petty Officer Third Class Ruben Palacios
SA Christopher Painter
Cruisebook Pictures
Company Updates
Greetings once again and Happy Easter from Afghanistan. The weather has begun to ease with the onset of spring and we have begun getting outside the base more often despite the odd blizzard every few days. Our operational tempo has increased as the snow has retreated, but the run-off has produced another obstacle — flooding in lower areas. Nonetheless, aerial assets have become more reliable and we have taken advantage of this increased support. In the last months, we have conducted or taken part in at least 1 battalion-level, 2 company-level and 9 platoon-level operations resulting in multiple caches discovered, medical care given to over 700 Afghans, and humanitarian assistance supplies given out to dozens of villages in 3 provinces throughout Afghanistan.
First, congratulations are in order for Corporal William and Mrs. Dove Mitchell in the birth of their daughter Lauren born on 19 March 25, 2005. Lauren measured a petite 19 inches and weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz. Both mother and daughter are doing well and are looking forward to Daddy’s return. Congratulations to both happy parents on this newest little blessing.
The last two months have seen quite a few promotions to the next rank here in-country. Those Marines promoted in February were: Corporals David R. Myers, Michael J. Pruitt, Troy M. Arndt, and Jason O. Valencia; and Lance Corporal Michael A. Madalena. Those Marines promoted in March were: First Lieutenant Steven J. Boada; Corporal Ajuna A. Montano; and Lance Corporals Arden M. Wright, Chase A. Snyder, Stephen C. Richardson, Joshua P. Ott, Colin C. Nelson, Daniel L. Moss, Christopher L. Monsegue, James Meeks, Daniel J. Mariakis, Edward L. Holloway, Kristopher L. Giuranna, Emmanuel Diaz and Orlando Carrasquillo Jr. Congratulations to these Marines in their achievements in attaining the next rank.
Kilo Company also had 3 Marines reenlist in March. These Marines are: Sergeant Robert R. Campbell, Corporal Jon K. Burns and Corporal Michael J. Rowland. Sergeant Campbell will be changing assignment to Marine Forces Pacific on Camp Smith, Hawaii; both Corporals Burns and Rowland will be transferring to Weapons and Field Training Battalion aboard MCRD Parris Island. Congratulations, good luck and Godspeed to these Marines as they embark on another chapter of their careers.
Kilo also recently recognized a few Marines for receiving the Good Conduct Medal, which is awarded to Marines who serve 3 years without any incidents resulting in company non-judicial punishment or higher. These Marines are: Staff Sergeants Jose M. Giron (third award) and Robert A. Meyer (fourth award); Sergeant Thomas J. Hood (second award); and Lance Corporals Robert D Berve and Joseph E. Brinker (first awards).
Our family and friends have been very good to us throughout the deployment by sending much-needed supplies, from baby-wipes to bibles, from candy and pens for the Afghan children to cards and letters for the Marines themselves. In fact, our supporters have been so good to us that we no longer need any boxes to be sent to us for 2 reasons: 1) we will never use all the supplies we have and so intend to turn a lot over to our relieving unit, and 2) we will soon reach a point where we will be back home before boxes arrive.
These last months serving with your Marines and Sailors have made me proud to be called their commander and I feel a sadness in knowing I will soon give up that position. This deployment has changed a lot of us including myself, but we hold our freedoms more precious for it. For some of us, this will mark a time of transition as we become reacquainted with each other and, in some cases, prepare to move on to our next assignments. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting steadily brighter, but it is still a little ways away. Until we stand in that light, we in Kilo know that we have missions still to accomplish and a war to win. Until next time, take care and God bless each of you.
- 24 June - 18 July 2005: Post-Deployment Leave Block
- 23 June 2005: Company Change-of-Commands
- 15 - 20 June 2005: Homecoming
- 15 June 2005: Transfer of Authority
- 11 June 2005: Kilo/Fox Weapons Cache
- 4 June 2005: Kilo UXO in Alishang District
- 1 - 5 June 2005: Kilo Ops in Alishang Valley
- Visit by Major General Kamiya (30 May 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Jalal Abad District (30-31 May 05)
- Kilo Ops in Dawlet Shah and Alishang Districts (28-31 May 05)
- 28 May 2005: Kilo IED Attack in Alishang
- Kilo VCPs in Qarghayl District (27-29 May 05)
- Kilo VCPs and UXO on Highway One (25 May 05)
- 24 May 2005: Kilo IED Attack in Alishang
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Ways Murah (22 May 05)
- Kilo Ops in Alishang and Dawlet Shah Districts (21-25 May 05)
- 20 - 24 May 2005: Operation CELTICS
- Surrender of Abdol Wakil (18 May 05)
- Kilo Ops in Dawlat Shah District (16-17 May 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Tag Valley (14 May 05)
- 13 May 2005: Kilo Memorial Service
- 12 May 2005: Battalion XO IED Attack
- 8 May 2005: Kilo-2 Mayl Valley Ambush
- Kilo Ops in Alingar District (6-9 May 05)
- Kilo Ops in Alishang District (5-11 May 05)
- Kilo-Lima RIP at FOB Mehtar Lam (1 May 05)
- 23-26 April 2005: Kilo Ops in Paitak Village
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Nadir Shah Kot District (15 Apr 05)
- Kilo Ops in Khowst-Gardez Pass (13-15 Apr 05)
- RIP at FOB Mehtar Lam (12-14 Apr 05)
- Kilo Security for AH-64's (7-8 Apr 05)
- Kilo Ops in Zormat District (6-12 Apr 05)
- Kilo UXO in Charkh District (6 Apr 05)
- Visit by Dr Jeffrey Nadaner (3 Apr 05)
- Kilo Firefight in Charkh District (3 Apr 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Gerdai Serai District (2 Apr 05)
- Kilo IED Find and Weapons Cache in Gerdai Serai District (31 Mar 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache (30 Mar 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Khoshi District (29 Mar 05)
- Kilo Ops in Khushi, Pulli Alam, and Charkh Districts (28 Mar - 7 Apr 05)
- Kilo UXO in Shwak and Jadran Districts (26 Mar 05)
- Kilo UXO in Shwak District (25 Mar 05)
- Kilo Ops in Shwak and Jadran Districts (25 Mar - 2 Apr 05)
- 19 - 24 March 2005: Operation MAVERICKS
- Kilo Ops in Zormat District (18-25 Mar 05)
- Kilo Ops in Jadran District (15-17 Mar 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Waza (11 Mar 05)
- Kilo UXO in Nasir Kheyl Village (10 Mar 05)
- Kilo Ops in Zormat District (9-13 Mar 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Waza Village (7 Mar 05)
- 6 March 2005: Visit by Major General Olson and Brigadier General McAbee
- Kilo Ops in Waza Village (6-11 Mar 05)
- Kilo Ops in Puli Alam District (3-6 Mar 05)
- Kilo UXO in Jadran District (1 Mar 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Zormot District (28 Feb 05)
- 26 February 2005: Kilo-3 Cache & Firefight in Jadran District
- Kilo Ops in Jadran District (25 Feb - 01 Mar 05)
- Kilo HA Ops in Paktia Province (24-25 Feb 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Kolalgu Village (17 Feb 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Kolalgu Village (16 Feb 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Gardez District (16 Feb 05)
- Kilo HA Ops in Gardez and Zurmat Districts (14 Feb 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Gardez (9 Feb 05)
- Kilo Ops in Jadan District (4-7 Feb 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Jani Kheyl District (1-2 Feb 05)
- Kilo VCPs on Paktia MSR (23 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Zurmat District (19-20 Jan 05)
- Kilo Ops in Zurmat District (17-21 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Sayed Karam District (16 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs and MEDCAP in Shwak and Nargasay Districts (15 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Gardez (14 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Kota Nargesey (12 Jan 05)
- Kilo UXO in Batan (11 Jan 05)
- Kilo Op in Charkh District (9-10 Jan 05)
- Kilo VCPs in Shwak District (7 Jan 05)
- Kilo Weapons Cache in Naugus Village (2 Jan 05)
- Kilo Ops in Zurmat (19-24 Dec 04)
- 17 December 2004 - 15 January 2005: Operation SARATOGA
- Kilo MEDCAP in Kharwar (15 Dec 04)
- Kilo Duration Op in Kolagu (10-14 Dec 04)
- President Karzai Inauguration Support (5-8 Dec 04)
- Patrol in Khowst Province (1 Dec 04)
- 25 November 2004: Transfer of Authority / Thanksgiving
- 13 - 25 November 2004: Relief in Place
- 6 November 2004: Marine Corps Birthday Ball
- 1 - 11 November 2004: Departure for Afghanistan
- 13 - 26 October 2004: Pre-Deployment Leave Block
- 20 September - 1 October 2004: Bridgeport
- 25 August - 19 September 2004: Combined Arms Exercise