FOB Mehtar Lam
RIP at FOB Mehtar Lam (12-14 Apr 05)
“Kilo Company sent one platoon to Mehtar Lam to begin a RIP with the Lima Company Platoon in the Laghman Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
RPG Attack on FOB Mehtar Lam (3 Apr 05)
“Lima Company reported ineffective RPG fire directed at the Mehtar Lam ANP compound resulting in no casualties or battle damage.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
Rocket Attack in Mehtar Lam (24 Mar 05)
“The ANP station in Mehtar Lam sustained a rocket attack from two 107mm rockets, both missing their intended target resulting in no casualties and no damage to the FOB.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
20-27 March 2005: 2/3 PDSS Team
“On 23 March, a small contingent Second Battalion, Third Marines (2/3) arrived in Salerno to conduct their Pre-Deployment Site Survey (PDSS) of TAOR Trinity. They remained in Salerno until 26 March.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005 Read more