OEF 04
Nangarhar Mullah Conference (25 May 05)
“The Nangarhar Mullah Conference was held in Jalal Abad.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
Weapons Company / NCIS Investigation of Al Qaeda Derunta Complex (24 May 05)
“Weapons Company provided security for the Criminal Investigation Task Force’s Sensitive Site Exploitation of the Al Qaeda Derunta Complex outside of Jalal Abad in the Qarghayl District, Laghman Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
24 May 2005: Kilo IED Attack in Alishang
“On 24 May, Kilo Company sustained an ineffective IED attack in the vicinity of the Alishang village that resulted in no casualties and minimal battle damage.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
Kilo Weapons Cache in Ways Murah (22 May 05)
“Kilo Company recovered (15) cases of DYSKA rounds, (50) 61rmn mortar fuses, (13) 61mm mortar rounds, and (1) 107mm rocket from a cache discovered in the vicinity of Ways Murah, Dawlet Shah District, Laghman Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005
Kilo Ops in Alishang and Dawlet Shah Districts (21-25 May 05)
“Kilo Company conducted duration operations in the Alishang and Dawlet Shah Districts, Laghman Province.” — Source: 3/3 Command Chronology for the Period 01 January to 30 June 2005